Chairman’s Message

VISION” is a wonderfully exciting word as it has so many stimulating meanings including – the faculty of sight, intelligent foresight, the manner of seeing or conceiving something, a mental imagination, a mystical experience or something of great beauty. “Share The Vision”, the theme for this year’s strategy meet held in Middle East aboard Costa Victoria cruise liner from 14th December, was designed to utilise all aspects of “vision”.  In these global turbulent times, we all need to be focused and visualise provocative ideas so that our creative business skills are aroused. Our C.S.S. strategy team was encouraged to visualise, produce and absorb ideas so they may be put to practical use. Such a process is vital to ensure we surmount the current challenges forced upon all within our industry. To emulate the ethos of our strategy meeting we must remain open to others’ thoughts and ideas. We should be prepared to listen more than we talk and be happy to change our opinion when new information demands it. New ideas often arise by listening to what others have overlooked so we may benefit from their unrecognised opportunities. We should be encouraged to ask questions, even when they may expose our weaknesses, so that team players may willingly guide and inspire us. If we avoid acting defensively when faced with constructive criticism then such situations will provide a beneficial opportunity to respond and interact.
Imagine breath-taking panoramic views across a sparkling pool where avant-garde design sets new standards of excellence. You may ask, “What has this to do with C.S.S. and our visions?” “Everything!” is my answer. This is a description of The Costa Victoria cruise ship that reflects the warmth and spirit of Italy, which is destined to be feted as one of the most exciting and stunningly beautiful ships of our time. A new vision within the C.S.S. Group, The Costa Victoria emphasises our enhanced strategies which will enable us to rise above this period of global recession. I am confident and enthused by our resilience, perception and visions, which I know will achieve greater rewards for all of us throughout 2009.
Wish you an exciting and promising year ahead !!!
                                                                                                                       T S Kaladharan