Time and again, Mother Nature has proved how unpredictable she can be. Now, it seems as if she needs to create a furor to catch our attention. We have indeed hearkened to her cry with high-level discussions on how to adopt sustainable practices to pacify her anger. But let’s be honest, have we done anything? Is it enough to stem the cauldron of her rage that seems to brim over now and then? Let’s ask ourselves, “What has changed?”.

I remember penning my thoughts some years back on how at CSS, we have decided to adapt to changes in the industry and its practices, quickly. If we do not, we stand in danger of being left behind in the race towards fulfilling our vision. This is the thought that ran through my mind when I read a tweet from Prakash Iyer, the noted author/motivational speaker. He speaks about the Choluteca Bridge in Honduras and how this is now become a bridge to nowhere. What struck me was how he drew a metaphor for the changing course of today’s world. Change in all forms, be it our thought patterns or our actions, is never a one-time happening neither is it permanent. I believe that change should be like the problem itself, always fluid.

That is precisely how the logistics industry functions. Many changes are happening in the way business is conducted, be it the frequent updating of INCO terms, or classifications, inclusions/exclusions in-laws, using green fuels, and so forth. The list is long, and if we are not fleet-footed enough to understand the nuances of these changes and accept them, then for sure, we will be left behind.

The unique facet of our industry is that problems keep evolving daily. I believe that innovations only trigger a change. What we need to change is our thought process to adapt quickly to what has been triggered.

Let me assure you, at CSS, our thoughts are in sync with the times. We are always thinking to achieve our vision by triggering the changes with innovations that is tune with the evolving global scenario. Our adaptability helps us provide extraordinary service with seamless solutions fully adapted to address our customers ’ changing needs and requirements.

I will leave you with the words from the Greek philosopher, Heraclitus of Ephesus, who stated, the only permanent thing is change. Change is inevitable, and our ability to adapt to that change often defines our success.